Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Classroom Management

We acquire "Brownie Points" throughout the week to earn a "Fantastic Friday" at the end of each week. I set the goal for the brownie points at the beginning of the year and as the year has progressed the students work together to vote on their goal for the week. We talk about reachable goals!

The Sets of Tables also have "table points" that they earn throughout the day for everyone at the table following directions or staying on task. This is a great way for students to encourage one another to stay focused! The tables are labeled with fruits as well as the categories on the board. This also makes it easy for substitute teachers.

Classroom Cash

As an additional reward the students have the opportunity to work for "Cline Cash" with their participation, acts of kindness, following good behavior, etc.

With their Cline Cash they have the opportunity to purchase Cline Chance Tickets that are personalized to fit the classroom needs.

Class Job Chart

The Class Job Chart is changed monthly to allow students the opportunity at new jobs. As the year progresses students that receive minimal reminders throughout the month have the opportunity to participate in new jobs. This reinforces the class behavior system and the students motivation to follow the class rules and procedures.

Good Behavior System

The students will follow the "Good Behavior System" throughout the year. Colored reminders will be used to enforce very specific expectations for good behavior. The students will have high expectations and will have an opportunity to grow as individuals throughout the school year.

Morning & Afternoon Procedures

I created a "Morning Procedures" poster to guide the students through the morning routine when they come in to the classroom. This helped eliminate confusion and misunderstanding of clasroom routines.

I also created an "Afternoon Procedures" poster to guide the students through the afternoon routine when they're getting ready for dismissal. This was helpful to give the students a list of directions to follow at the end of the school day.