Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Gingerbread Books

I just love the holiday season in the classroom! The pure joy and excitement from children makes being a primary teacher even more fun!

One of my favorite things to do is start December off with a gingerbread unit. There are so many amazing gingerbread stories out there, these are just a few of my favorites!

With my first graders, I always started the writing process with my students brainstorming their own gingerbread story. After listening to so many different styles of writing and making note of the creative characters, plot and setting that are used, they were able to get really creative with their stories!

Check out my Gingerbread Flipbook Craftivity for a fun and easy gingerbread writing activity you can add into your classroom this December!

What themes do you like to use during December?
Are there any gingerbread stories I need to check out?

Happy Teaching!